We are open to share all information with our clients regarding software development processes.
Through the usage of online collaboration tools for project management, software versioning and timesheets registration, the client has opportunity to be active member of our software development team.
So, whenever needs it, the client can check the project status, resources spent, evaluate the generated code, test completed application modules etc.
On request, we can use client's corporate collaboration platform, in which case our ITO team became a kind of virtual extension to the client’s development team. Usually, we use some or combination of the following development platforms for collaboration: GitHub, JIRA, Assembla, Mylin, Pivotal Tracker, etc.
GORD Systems Services
F.Ruzvelt 6/Gal 6, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3163-419, 3109-659
Mob (also Viber): +389 78 279206
Skype: gord_sys
Email: ito@gordsys.net